Posted by Rochele at 8:44 PM 1 comments
I have never been clubbing before and I really enjoyed it. We went with a bunch of Pinnacle people. They were all mormon too. It was kind of cool because one of the married couples parents came too. We had a blast. Kevin loved jumping in that cage and making a fool of himself. The bouncer however did not like it to much. I would do it again any time. Its a good work out dancing all night too.
This is Miles and Chelsea they are the best. We had so much fun with them. We have come to be good friends and its only going to get better from here. I just noticed the couples kinda matched. We were in black and white and they had some blue greens going on. HAHA!! This was too fun. In the picture below We are getting our groove on haha. Even my face shows you how into it I was. I got some funny pictures thats for sure.
Posted by Rochele at 1:25 PM 4 comments
We Moved to Elk Grove California and we love it. Kevin's first day is today and I miss him a lot. It makes for a long day when your alone without the one you love. We had a long drive here and stayed at the Peppermill casino in Reno, NV. It was amazing. They hooked us up with 100 at the nicest restaurant I have every been to. I also got a free pedicure, hair treatment, and an all day spa pass for free. It was an awesome deal and I was so grateful. I could have stayed in the spa all day long. Kevin went and played at the arcade, and anyone that knows Kevin knows how happy he must have been at a casino arcade. We would recommend it to anyone going to Reno. The next day we drove to Elk Grove where we got our new apartment. The first night there was no furniture but the next morning they brought us furniture. It is so pretty here. There is park right across the street,and I have everything I never thought I would have. I have unlimited access to the pool and hot tub, and a work out room, and nice grills for cook outs, and all kinds of cool stuff. Ohhh and my favorite part is waking up and sitting by my electric fire place. This is nicer than I could have asked for. Heavenly Father has really blessed us and I'm so grateful. I can't forget to say that none of this would be possible for me if it wasn't for my amazing husband who I love ohh so much!
Posted by Rochele at 7:03 PM 1 comments
She Got so excited to run she got herself all tangled up. My poor puppy!
Posted by Rochele at 10:27 PM 1 comments